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Michael Haas

    v 1.5.5 changelog

    – Time penalties issued by the race admin are now served on the next pitstop as per real life.
    Opens up the possibility of „pitstop ballasts“ in organized events with mandatory pitstops.
    Time penalties that are not served will be added to the total time on session finish as before.
    – Server: fixed an issue with post-session state management in Multiplayer.
    – Serveable penalties (DT, SG) are no longer forced into a to-serve state by default when the car is in the pitlane.
    Avoids scenarios where cars can become compromised when receiving an admin penalty inside the pitlane or when already performing a pitstop.
    – Server: post-race time penalties are now applied to the final results on session complete state.
    NOTE: Final results are calculated when the last car on track crosses the finish line or when the „sessionOverTimeSeconds“ phase is up.
    NOTE: When post-race penalties are added to the car’s total time, the penalty labels on the leaderboard/standings turn from red to grey.
    – Severity of converted post-race time penalties are now track dependent to factor in longer pitlanes (e.g. at Spa).
    – Server: detection of idle players so that the race complete state (and result generation) does not wait for the session overtime to be over if there are idle cars in pitlane.
    – Revised polesitter side on all tracks (both Singleplayer and Multiplayer).
    – Fixed an issue at Monza where the pitlane status occasionally failed to disable on pit exit.

    – Change background color to grey on session complete state to signify that the penalty has been calculated in the time displayed.
    – View Settings page: reduced step intervals and quicker timing for press-and-hold on position/pitch selectors.
    – Career pages now use a static series logo independently from the active series selected in the Single Player menu.
    – MFD/Setup UI now reliably show the correct tyre data for all tyre sets used in Multiplayer driver swap scenarios even after non-driving clients dis-/reconnect.
    – MFD pit strategy page will no longer autoselect the „Pitlimiter“ row if the player already has that page selected before entering the pitlane.
    Avoids unintentional deactivation of pitlimiter when modifying pit strategy as entering the pitlane.
    – Fixed MFD automatically jumping to pit page on pit exit if the player cycles to a different MFD page while still inside the pitlane.

    – Various texture memory footprint optimizations.
    – Fixed an issue with the dirt texture of the Lexus RC-F GT3.
    – Fixed a graphical error on the Nissan GTR GT3 (both versions).
    – Fixed incorrect blurred rim behaviour on the Audi R8 LMS cars (both versions).

    – Fixed currently active tyreset state resetting on forced pit speeding teleport in FP and Q sessions.
    – Fixed erroneous behaviour of combined ABS and pit limiter in certain situations.